When it comes to nesting sites, bats prefer dry, dark areas. Temperature also plays an important role in attracting bats. A nesting site should be warm but not too hot for bats. Since some species are often found nesting in trees, they are also attracted to wooden frames in attics.
Finally, to keep bats away from your home, it's important to remove stagnant water. Things like pet drinkers, bird baths, and even puddles can give bats a source of drinking water. These places where moisture can build up also provide insects (pests) with a place to reproduce and also provide food for bats. Getting rid of water will help bats choose another home.
If they are close to your house and discover an entrance in the attic, they will most likely take refuge there. Another factor that attracts bats to a home is the presence of insects such as mosquitoes and moths near lamps. If insects are always present, they may prefer to nest near a food or water supply, and the attic is an ideal place to establish a colony. If homeowners forget to connect with a reliable provider of pest control services, these creatures will sleep in large numbers.
Understanding the basic behavior of bats helps us to realize what causes them to enter our homes in our homes. Bats are very sensitive to drafts, and the cold air that enters the attic after dusk is what causes bats to leave the structure and feed every night. This step is not only important to prevent bats and pests, but also to ensure that your home saves energy. While sending bat residents to pack is legal, poisoning bats or trapping them and letting them starve is definitely a no-no.
Speaking of large brown bats, which are the majority of infestations, the walls of your house are the preferred place to live. When (and if) you have successfully evicted your resident bat population, you can strive to make other modifications to your property that prevent its return. Bats can make you sick, and that's why it's essential to get rid of these creatures, in addition to causing damage to your attic. If you want to take steps on your own to prevent bats from returning, you'll want to block all possible entrances to your attic so that bats can't fit in the available space.
The main reason bats end up settling in your house is that they reach an opening, you may have roof damage after a storm, or your coating isn't sealed properly. Bat guano, or bat faeces, looks like black grains of rice that break down easily into dust (although you don't actually pick up these waste products, unless you wear gloves, since guano poses health risks). Seeing a bat outside during the day can sometimes be a sign that something is wrong, so you should always be careful if you find yourself in this situation. Bat colonies can leave stains on the sides of the house and a serious accumulation of excrement in the attic.
Health problems aside, there are viable health problems: bat droppings and urine can destroy wood and other building materials, gradually compromising the structural integrity of your home. Most people don't tolerate that idea very well, and bats need to be evicted and the structure repaired as needed to prevent them from entering the future. As a general rule, you should only try to exclude bats from your home from August to early spring (March to May). Keep a close eye on your home at dusk or dawn to determine exactly where bats enter and exit your home.
Since bats carry rabies and their urine and excrement pose a health threat, you must be very careful when controlling bats on your own. .