Getting Rid of Bats in the House: Expert Tips

Bats can be a nuisance in the home, but getting rid of them doesn't have to be difficult. Learn how to identify entry points, use repellents, remove food sources, and more.

Getting Rid of Bats in the House: Expert Tips

Bats can be a nuisance in the home, and getting rid of them can be a challenge. Fortunately, there are some steps you can take to get rid of bats in the house. In this article, we’ll discuss the best ways to get rid of bats in the house and how to prevent them from coming back.

Identify the Entry Points

The first step in getting rid of bats is to identify where they are entering your home. Bats can enter through small cracks and crevices, so it’s important to inspect your home for any potential entry points. Look for gaps around windows, doors, vents, and other openings. If you find any potential entry points, seal them up with caulk or other materials.

Install Bat Houses

Once you’ve identified and sealed up any potential entry points, you can install bat houses outside your home. Bat houses provide a safe place for bats to roost and will encourage them to stay away from your home. Make sure to install the bat houses at least 20 feet away from your home and in an area that gets plenty of sunlight.

Use Repellents

If you’re still having trouble getting rid of bats, you can try using repellents. There are a variety of repellents available on the market that are designed to keep bats away from your home. These repellents typically contain natural ingredients such as peppermint oil or garlic oil that will deter bats from entering your home.

Remove Food Sources

Bats are attracted to food sources, so it’s important to remove any potential food sources from around your home. Make sure to keep all food items stored away in airtight containers and keep pet food indoors. Additionally, make sure to keep your garbage cans tightly sealed and away from your home.

Call a Professional

If you’re still having trouble getting rid of bats in the house, it may be time to call a professional. A wildlife removal specialist can help identify the entry points and provide advice on how to get rid of bats in the house. They can also provide humane removal services if necessary.

Prevent Future Infestations

Once you’ve gotten rid of the bats in your home, it’s important to take steps to prevent future infestations. Make sure to inspect your home regularly for any potential entry points and seal them up as soon as possible. Additionally, make sure to keep food sources away from your home and install bat houses outside your home.

Getting rid of bats in the house can be a challenge, but with the right steps, it is possible. By identifying potential entry points, installing bat houses, using repellents, removing food sources, and calling a professional if necessary, you can get rid of bats in the house and prevent future infestations.